Unofficial ILWU Local 19
History & Education
NEA Resolution in
support of Charleston 5
The following report from the recent NEA (National Education Association)
convention (representative assembly) by Tom Condit, was forwarded to
portside. The NEA is the largest labor organization in the country.
Previously, portside has posted
other resolutions and information on labor solidarity with the Charleston 5.
Please send us information on local activities to support the Charleston 5,
or resolutions from your union. These will be shared with other portside
readers - moderator
At its 2001 Representative Assembly, held July 4-7 in Los Angeles, the
National Education Association (NEA) passed the following resolution in
support of the "Charleston Five", South Carolina dockworkers being
victimized by the state authorities. (With 2.6 million members, the NEA is
the largest labor organization in North America.)
"The NEA shall publicly support the 'Charleston 5' (members of ILA
(longshore) Locals 1422 and 1771 in Charleston, South Carolina), who
attempted in January 2000 to halt non-union labor from unloading ships by
picketing and have been indicted for defending basic union rights. Further,
the NEA shall publicize this case and mobilization on their behalf in
NEA publications".
The motion was made Bill Balderston (California) and seconded by Marsha
Feinland (California).
Speakers for: Bill Balderston, California; [and a teacher from
South Carolina], speaking for the South Carolina delegation
There were no speakers against.
The motion passed by an overwhelming voice vote of the 9,000 delegates
Tom Condit