Eldorado Stone Rally

The 2003 Eldorado Stone Rally

In 2003 employees at Eldorado Stone in Carnation, WA began a union organizing campaign. They held a rally in front of the factory which was well attended by ILWU Seattle Local's 19 and 9 as well as Portland's Local 8. Members of the ILWU's marine division the Inlandboatman's Union, The SEIU and Jobs for Justice participated in the event. The Pastor of the Carnation Church came and marched with us and Ex-Governor Mike Lowry came to show his support for the organizing drive.

This was probably the first union rally ever held in the small town of Carnation. The event was peaceful and everyone had a good time visiting with each other and with the employees who were trying to form a union. There were employees who were in opposition of the organizing effort and they even had t-shirts made showing their dissatisfaction. They came out and visited with the protesters and the conversations were very cordial.

Unfortunately the organizing campaign did not succeed in its efforts and the company remains a non-union shop.

Event Photos 1

Event Photos 2

Event Photos 3