The WTO Protest

Corporate Rule vs. Civil Society
Seattle and the Battle for the 21st Century

Helena Earnshaw
Tuesday, November 2, 1999
A- Info News Service

From November 30 to December 3, the World Trade Organization (WTO) summit in Seattle will attempt to define the trade, development and environmental agenda for the next century.

Critics of the WTO believe they will do so only in the interests of big business and against the needs of the majority of the world's population and the planet's environment. Many have called for a day of action - the largest protest against unfair free trade ever held.

As the world's mass media have neglected the global issues at stake, the internet has become a vital resource to inform, communicate and mobilize opposition to any WTO plans which place profits before people. has launched a collection of WTO-related material published on the web by partners in its network of over 500 NGOs and other organizations working for sustainable development and human rights.

The collection at includes:

- the latest updates from organizations like Christian Aid, Oxfam, World Development Movement, Friends of the Earth and the WWF

- suggested action and ways to become involved

- newsfeeds from alternative voices in developing countries

- background guides on all the big issues

- links to organizations and online resources

- a search engine to find what information you need on global justice

During the Seattle meeting will also include:

- summit updates from's correspondent Sebastian Naidoo

- access to Corporate Watch US audio interviews with farmers from India, trade activists from Ghana, peasants from Chiapas, grassroots activists from the US and around the world, and behind the scenes corporate lobbyists and official trade representatives (downloadable for free transmission by non-commercial radio stations)

Citizens across the globe have not yet found a way to influence the WTO even though its policies affect everyone's lives. Now Civil Society is demanding full involvement at the WTO. Be informed, be involved .....